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Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa Tier 3

A Tier 3 Water Budget study was completed for the City of Guelph and the Township of Guelph / Eramosa municipal drinking water systems.

The City of Guelph’s water supply system consists of 23 wells constructed within overburden aquifers and deep bedrock aquifers, and an artificial groundwater recharge system with a shallow groundwater collection system. The Township of Guelph/Eramosa has municipal systems located in Rockwood and Hamilton Drive, which are serviced by four and two bedrock water supply wells, respectively.

The main findings of the Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa Tier 3 Water Budget and Risk Assessment are:

  • The City of Guelph’s and Guelph/Eramosa Township’s wells can meet current needs.
  • The City’s Queensdale municipal well is predicted to not be able to meet future needs under normal climate conditions and during prolonged drought. 
  • Water Quantity Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA-Q) and Water Quantity Intake Protection Zone (IPZ-Q) are assigned a significant risk level.

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Risk assessment 

The following appendices accompany the Tier 3 Water Budget and Local Area Risk Assessment: 

Maps of the Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa quantity protection areas 

The Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa Water Quantity Policy Development Study provides a process for developing water quantity policies within the Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa study area. The process is made up of three parts:

  • Technical study (Risk Management Measures Evaluation Process)
  • Water quantity policy development
  • Update to the Grand River Source Protection Plan 

Studies and reports supporting policy development  

Please note the following documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us.

Please note the following documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us.

A Community Liaison Group (CLG) composed of stakeholders and residents was established to support the Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa Water Quantity Policy Development Study. Read the CLG Terms of Reference.  

CLG meeting materials  

Frequently asked questions   

Find answers to your questions and a glossary of terms for the Guelph and Guelph/Eramosa Township Tier 3 Water Budget Study and Risk Assessment.

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